Many organizations have a variety of strategies in place, from marketing to financial. Network automation should be no exception.
Scripting and device-level automation tools are useful for basic tasks, but moving from stage 2 (Device Management) to stage 3 (Service Automation) takes longer. It includes having standardized configuration templates and northbound integrations.
Network automation is software that sets up network processes and tasks to run without requiring manual intervention from a human network engineer. These processes and functions include configuration, management, deployment, and provisioning. Many network automation tools also have monitoring capabilities that improve overall network functionality by identifying issues and executing self-healing processes to resolve them.
The best tool for network automation is a scripting language, such as Python. Scripting allows you to create, run, and debug network automation processes that work in real-time. It helps IT teams get more value from their investment in the network automation platform and reduces the chances of errors that could impact operations.
Many network automation tools require scripting, and IT teams must understand how these tools operate to ensure the best results. IT teams should practice the automated processes on a small portion of their network to test for bugs or problems. It also helps them gain momentum and build confidence in the new process.
Network automation uses software to control processes and perform tasks that human network engineers would otherwise need to do manually. It saves time, reduces errors, and ensures consistency across the entire organization. It also helps IT teams complete routine tasks more easily, giving them more time to focus on long-term strategic projects that can help grow the business.
Many network automation tools use APIs, which allow them to work with other IT systems that watch and manage the network. With these integrations, automating a network can be easier and faster. It’s also important to choose a solution that’s compatible with a variety of devices and networks. It will help IT teams avoid getting locked into a single vendor or platform.
In addition to saving time, implementing network automation can improve security and compliance. For example, automated processes can implement protocols like those set by the Center for Internet Security and Defense Information Systems Agency to limit access and protect data. It can be especially important for industries with legal repercussions for non-compliance.
Network automation is a key part of modern IT. However, implementing it requires a new approach to IT processes and the skills of IT professionals. IT teams should evaluate their goals and the business impact of automation, then decide which tools they need to accomplish them.
Automation Platform
For network automation to succeed, a solid platform is needed to support and run the code. Traditionally, this is where open-source scripting tools are used. Still, modern, comprehensive network automation platforms that support a wide range of networks, IT systems, and CI/CD workflows provide the best way to manage the top-down, automated network management process.
A well-designed network automation platform provides a central management portal that eliminates the need to execute script commands manually. The platform also allows for the definition of standardized configurations, change templates, and a wide range of other network automation tasks that can be rolled out across many devices and executed in a centralized manner rather than through the traditional method of connecting to each device with Putty or using Notepad to make a one-off change.
These tools greatly reduce the network team’s manual effort and allow time to focus on more strategic projects. However, to start a successful network automation program, the team must have the right technical expertise and experience to choose and set up the best tools for their infrastructure. It may sometimes mean partnering with a network services provider familiar with the software suites and processes needed to implement network automation in various infrastructure environments.
Network automation tools must integrate with your other IT systems that help you watch and control your network. This is a crucial requirement that must be addressed before you can fully leverage the benefits of automation.
Without this integration, you will run the risk of tool sprawl and a reduced return on investment for your automation project. For example, you may end up with multiple orchestrators and controllers for your different use cases (e.g., SD-WAN, multi-cloud networking, and data center networking), requiring a significant amount of manual integration to get all the tools to talk to one another. This can be avoided with a network automation platform that sits above the orchestration layer.
With the right network automation tools, IT teams can focus on completing more complex and strategic projects. It will help them deliver fast service delivery, improve dependability, and drive innovation and growth in their business. In addition, by replacing manual tasks with automated workflows, networks will be more reliable and less prone to human error. It will allow engineers more time to address business problems, such as application performance issues or capacity bottlenecks. Moreover, these tools can also help enforce compliance and security standards consistently across the network, which is important in industries such as healthcare and finance, where the consequences of non-compliance are high.