Addiction is a growing problem in the United States. The opioid epidemic alone has increased fatal overdoses and addiction rates nationwide.
This is an issue that affects everyone, from children who are experimenting with drugs to adults who are struggling with addiction.
However, one state in particular has dealt with this problem more than any other: California.
From treatment centers offering help to drug education programs educating students about the dangers of substance abuse, here’s how California is tackling the growing issue of addiction:
The Growing Problem of Addiction in California
California has the highest number of people who abuse opioids. In 2016, for example, there were nearly 1 million opioid prescriptions written in California; this is more than any other state in the US.
In addition to the many people abusing opioids, California has the most opioid-related deaths in America. In three years, opioid-related deaths in California increased by 121%.
According to data from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control), 10,901 deaths were caused by overdose in 2021. No other state came even close to that number of overdose deaths that year.
The situation has become so dire that Gov Jerry Brown declared a public health emergency due to “an epidemic” affecting thousands of Californians yearly.
However, even after issuing this proclamation, no clear plan was outlined regarding how they would combat addiction across their state until now…
California’s seven-tier plan includes improving the efficiency and communication between state agencies, increasing public awareness and education, reducing stigma, and giving access to more protection and help for addicts.
Substance Use Disorder Treatment in California
In California, there are over 300 substance use disorder treatment facilities.
The state also has the first law requiring insurers to cover treatment for substance use disorder and is the only state that requires medication-assisted treatment (MAT) coverage.
California’s progressive policies on addiction treatment make it an ideal place to seek help if you or someone you love is struggling with substance use disorder.
The state is home to some of the best treatment centers in the country, many of which are accredited by CARF International.
The California Model for treatment is based on the 12-step philosophy and emphasizes individualized care plans and aftercare support.
One of the best facilities is Hollywood Hills Recovery in Los Angeles.
These facilities include outpatient, inpatient, group, or solo treatment options.
What to Know About the Opioid Epidemic
The opioid epidemic is a national crisis that affects all of us. It has resulted in the loss of many lives, jobs, and families.
Unfortunately, many times, addiction can lead to crime. According to statistics, California has two cities with the most burglaries in the country. Many crimes are linked to drug use.
The state’s legislature has taken action to address this issue head-on by passing several laws aimed at curbing addiction rates and providing support for those who need it most.
California also began to provide employers with the tools and information they needed to help their employees who were suffering from drug addiction or alcohol abuse.
This toolkit helped employers enforce a substance use policy, recognize the signs of addiction in their employees early, and provide time off for employees to seek medical treatment for their addiction.
Naloxone Distribution
Naloxone is a medication that can be injected into the thigh or inhaled through a nasal spray that can save the life of someone overdosing on opioids.
The DHCS created the Naloxone Distribution Project to provide free access to naloxone for organizations that help addicts.
First responders, EMS workers, hospitals, treatment facilities, schools, universities, law enforcement, and shelters all had access to this life-saving medication.
There is hope for those suffering from addiction.
There is hope if you or a loved one is struggling with addiction. Treatment is available, and it can be effective.
There are many options for treatment, from inpatient facilities to outpatient programs and even counseling services available at home.
If you’re looking for resources that can help you find treatment options near you, check out these websites:
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
SAMHSA offers information on mental health disorders such as depression or anxiety and drug abuse prevention services nationwide.
California’s Alcohol & Drug Treatment Locator
This tool lets users search by location type (hospital vs. residential) and insurance coverage status (private insurance vs. Medicaid).
The opioid epidemic is a serious issue that affects many people in California. This article has provided an overview of the growing problem and some solutions to help you start your journey toward recovery.